
Check this out. I spotted that Orbit has a new exotic flavor which is Mojito. Cocktail flavored gum, now that's my kind of gum! Or course it doesn't have the rum flavor but I give this a 5 star rating!
Check this out. I spotted that Orbit has a new exotic flavor which is Mojito. Cocktail flavored gum, now that's my kind of gum! Or course it doesn't have the rum flavor but I give this a 5 star rating!
bought that mojito gum last week, i have to admit i thought i was soo daring when i bought it, but its pretty yummy, i also like that pina colada gum, hmm i see a trend..
I love this gum! What's the best thing about it is that my 13 year old doesn't, so that means more gum for me!
ok, I've decided I'm already a member of two blogs but what the heck I'm joining!
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